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The climate of Sicily is typically Mediterranean, with hot summers and mild, wet winters, with very changeable intermediate seasons. On the coasts, especially the south-west, the climate is affected most by the African currents that make  summers very hot. Sicily is seen as an island of warm winter but also,all along the Tyrrhenian coast and in the inland areas, the winters can be hard, and typical continental climate. The snow falls abundant above 900-1000 meters, but any cold waves can easily carry it in the hills and even in coastal cities. The interior mountains, especially the Nebrodi, the Madonie and Etna, enjoy a fully Apennine climate. In hilly and mountainous  snow it remains good until June, and many counties are living with a climate far from a mild one. On the other hand, especially in the summer it is not unusual that there is the sirocco, the wind from the Sahara.


The A18 Messina - Catania, which connects the two largest cities of eastern part of the island. Toll

The A18 Siracusa - Rosolini, which connects Siracusa with some of the major centers of the province. No toll

The A19 Palermo - Catania, which connects the two major metropolises. No toll

The A20 Messina - Palermo, completed in July 2005 is an important toll motorway link which provides access to both cities by facilitating travel. 

The A29 Palermo - Mazara del Vallo, and the branch Alcamo - Trapani, both without tollbooths, linking the capital with the western part of the region. No toll


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All the Sicilian railway network suffers from the fact that, essentially, follows the outdated tracked the origins and does not respond as a whole to the mobility needs of the region. Despite the lack of modern infrastructure, we can say that the trains are quite punctual and prices very low.



Sicily is one of the leading regions in the Italian air traffic, mainly because of increasing tourist numbers and the fact that it is an island at the center of the Mediterranean.

Catania Airport "Vincenzo Bellini" (Fontanarossa) first Sicilian airport, sixth nationally.

Palermo airport "Falcone and Borsellino" (Punta Raisi) second Sicilian airport and tenth nationally.

Trapani-Birgi airport "Vincenzo Florio", the third Sicilian airport.

Comiso Airport "Vincenzo Magliocco", opened to civilian traffic May 30, 2013 it is at the center of the provinces of Ragusa, Caltanissetta, Enna, Siracusa and the southern part of Catania.

Pantelleria Airport

Lampedusa Airport


In major urban centers or tourist resorts especially during the summer season there is a big offer of private transport. Often the taxi drivers do not use the meter, so be sure to negotiate the price before starting the ride.